
Satellites, Knutsford and Wilmslow Tri Club Champs 2019

Mixed 8 Yrs/Over 200m Breaststroke

Age Group Results

These are the final results for this event.

Position Name Age Club Time Improvement AQUA
1 Lilly Royle 8 Satellite 04:38.51 0.00% (00:00.00) 113
Position Name Age Club Time Improvement AQUA
1 Kelly-shay O'neill 10 Satellite 03:40.41 0.00% (00:00.00) 228
2 Annabel Wallace 10 Knutsford 03:43.36 -3.67% (00:07.91) 219
3 Eloise Perritt 10 Knutsford 03:58.64 0.57% (00:01.36) 179
4 Charlotte Baxter 10 Satellite 04:14.13 10.83% (00:30.87) 148
5 Finlay Ibeziako 10 Wilmslow 04:18.25 -7.16% (00:17.25) 101
6 Rose Kettle 10 Satellite 04:39.73 0.00% (00:00.00) 111
Position Name Age Club Time Improvement AQUA
1 Thomas O'brien 11 Knutsford 03:09.88 1.52% (00:02.93) 255
2 Oliver Hammond 11 Satellite 03:28.24 -0.10% (00:00.20) 193
3 Evie Blackburn 11 Knutsford 03:30.02 -1.78% (00:03.67) 263
4 Anna Fenwick 11 Satellite 03:36.05 -0.03% (00:00.07) 242
5 Zara Comb 11 Satellite 03:37.30 1.08% (00:02.37) 238
6 Arthur Buckley 11 Knutsford 03:43.29 9.00% (00:22.08) 157
7 Thomas Alexander 11 Wilmslow 03:49.63 0.00% (00:00.00) 144
8 Abigail Moore 11 Knutsford 04:03.65 -1.52% (00:03.65) 168
9 Charlotte Hunt 11 Wilmslow 04:07.02 0.00% (00:00.00) 162
10 Edward Wheatcroft 11 Wilmslow 04:07.49 0.00% (00:00.00) 115
11 Molly Denham 11 Knutsford 04:14.60 12.71% (00:37.06) 148
12 Chloe Lawson 11 Satellite 04:20.88 8.46% (00:24.12) 137
13 Ethan Griffin 11 Satellite 04:42.96 0.00% (00:00.00) 77
Position Name Age Club Time Improvement AQUA
1 Martha Ricketts 12 Satellite 03:27.11 0.00% (00:00.00) 274
2 Charlie Wallace 12 Knutsford 03:37.79 -1.17% (00:02.52) 169
3 Camilla Lloyd-jones 12 Satellite 03:45.47 0.23% (00:00.53) 213
4 Oliver Rogerson 12 Satellite 03:56.81 7.20% (00:18.36) 132
5 Sebastian Fairhurst 12 Knutsford 04:06.80 5.08% (00:13.20) 116
Position Name Age Club Time Improvement AQUA
1 Finlay Goodsall 13 Satellite 03:18.56 5.45% (00:11.44) 223
2 Lee Crawford 13 Satellite 03:20.87 7.11% (00:15.38) 216
3 Sylvie Cook 13 Satellite 03:22.83 4.74% (00:10.10) 292
4 Lucy Bell 13 Satellite 03:29.15 1.56% (00:03.32) 266
5 Theo Ibeziako 13 Wilmslow 03:37.26 1.25% (00:02.74) 170
6 Esther Bird 13 Satellite 03:45.87 3.59% (00:08.42) 211
7 George Buckley 13 Knutsford 03:47.34 7.35% (00:18.03) 149
8 Grace Whalley 13 Satellite 03:49.96 0.02% (00:00.04) 200
Position Name Age Club Time Improvement AQUA
1 Samuel Prince 14 Satellite 02:52.12 -0.80% (00:01.37) 343
2 Olivia Lloyd-jones 14 Satellite 03:02.24 -2.44% (00:04.34) 403
3 James Parker 14 Satellite 03:06.42 -1.09% (00:02.01) 270
4 Oliver Dennis 14 Satellite 03:15.53 2.72% (00:05.47) 234
5 William Simms 14 Knutsford 03:32.17 2.86% (00:06.25) 183
6 Molly Gilkison 14 Satellite 03:32.49 0.03% (00:00.07) 254
7 Katherine Alexander 14 Satellite 03:33.61 0.00% (00:00.00) 250
8 Beatrice Palmer 14 Satellite 03:36.37 -1.93% (00:04.09) 241
Brooke Yon 14 Satellite Did not compete
Rory Noden 14 Satellite Disqualified
Position Name Age Club Time Improvement AQUA
1 Thomas Denham-everett 15 Satellite 03:17.46 -2.57% (00:04.94) 227
Open (16/Over)
Position Name Age Club Time Improvement AQUA
1 Natasha Proffitt 21 Satellite 02:45.28 5.52% (00:09.66) 540
2 Thomas Prince 17 Satellite 02:45.91 2.42% (00:04.11) 383
3 Abigail Comline 16 Knutsford 03:04.85 -0.60% (00:01.11) 386
4 Sam Smith 16 Satellite 03:05.80 36.74% (01:47.91) 272
5 Amy Chesworth 16 Satellite 03:06.17 6.34% (00:12.60) 378
6 Rachael Curran 16 Knutsford 03:28.31 -2.65% (00:05.37) 270
7 Nathaniel Costigan 19 Satellite 03:33.78 -3.78% (00:07.78) 179
8 Samantha Lewis 27 Satellite 03:58.61 -6.76% (00:15.10) 572
James Petty 16 Knutsford Did not compete

Combined Results

Position Name Age Club Time Improvement AQUA
1 Natasha Proffitt 21 Satellite 02:45.28 5.52% (00:09.66) 540
2 Thomas Prince 17 Satellite 02:45.91 2.42% (00:04.11) 383
3 Samuel Prince 14 Satellite 02:52.12 -0.80% (00:01.37) 343
4 Olivia Lloyd-jones 14 Satellite 03:02.24 -2.44% (00:04.34) 403
5 Abigail Comline 16 Knutsford 03:04.85 -0.60% (00:01.11) 386
6 Sam Smith 16 Satellite 03:05.80 36.74% (01:47.91) 272
7 Amy Chesworth 16 Satellite 03:06.17 6.34% (00:12.60) 378
8 James Parker 14 Satellite 03:06.42 -1.09% (00:02.01) 270
9 Thomas O'brien 11 Knutsford 03:09.88 1.52% (00:02.93) 255
10 Oliver Dennis 14 Satellite 03:15.53 2.72% (00:05.47) 234
11 Thomas Denham-everett 15 Satellite 03:17.46 -2.57% (00:04.94) 227
12 Finlay Goodsall 13 Satellite 03:18.56 5.45% (00:11.44) 223
13 Lee Crawford 13 Satellite 03:20.87 7.11% (00:15.38) 216
14 Sylvie Cook 13 Satellite 03:22.83 4.74% (00:10.10) 292
15 Martha Ricketts 12 Satellite 03:27.11 0.00% (00:00.00) 274
16 Oliver Hammond 11 Satellite 03:28.24 -0.10% (00:00.20) 193
17 Rachael Curran 16 Knutsford 03:28.31 -2.65% (00:05.37) 270
18 Lucy Bell 13 Satellite 03:29.15 1.56% (00:03.32) 266
19 Evie Blackburn 11 Knutsford 03:30.02 -1.78% (00:03.67) 263
20 William Simms 14 Knutsford 03:32.17 2.86% (00:06.25) 183
21 Molly Gilkison 14 Satellite 03:32.49 0.03% (00:00.07) 254
22 Katherine Alexander 14 Satellite 03:33.61 0.00% (00:00.00) 250
23 Nathaniel Costigan 19 Satellite 03:33.78 -3.78% (00:07.78) 179
24 Anna Fenwick 11 Satellite 03:36.05 -0.03% (00:00.07) 242
25 Beatrice Palmer 14 Satellite 03:36.37 -1.93% (00:04.09) 241
26 Theo Ibeziako 13 Wilmslow 03:37.26 1.25% (00:02.74) 170
27 Zara Comb 11 Satellite 03:37.30 1.08% (00:02.37) 238
28 Charlie Wallace 12 Knutsford 03:37.79 -1.17% (00:02.52) 169
29 Kelly-shay O'neill 10 Satellite 03:40.41 0.00% (00:00.00) 228
30 Arthur Buckley 11 Knutsford 03:43.29 9.00% (00:22.08) 157
31 Annabel Wallace 10 Knutsford 03:43.36 -3.67% (00:07.91) 219
32 Camilla Lloyd-jones 12 Satellite 03:45.47 0.23% (00:00.53) 213
33 Esther Bird 13 Satellite 03:45.87 3.59% (00:08.42) 211
34 George Buckley 13 Knutsford 03:47.34 7.35% (00:18.03) 149
35 Thomas Alexander 11 Wilmslow 03:49.63 0.00% (00:00.00) 144
36 Grace Whalley 13 Satellite 03:49.96 0.02% (00:00.04) 200
37 Oliver Rogerson 12 Satellite 03:56.81 7.20% (00:18.36) 132
38 Samantha Lewis 27 Satellite 03:58.61 -6.76% (00:15.10) 572
39 Eloise Perritt 10 Knutsford 03:58.64 0.57% (00:01.36) 179
40 Abigail Moore 11 Knutsford 04:03.65 -1.52% (00:03.65) 168
41 Sebastian Fairhurst 12 Knutsford 04:06.80 5.08% (00:13.20) 116
42 Charlotte Hunt 11 Wilmslow 04:07.02 0.00% (00:00.00) 162
43 Edward Wheatcroft 11 Wilmslow 04:07.49 0.00% (00:00.00) 115
44 Charlotte Baxter 10 Satellite 04:14.13 10.83% (00:30.87) 148
45 Molly Denham 11 Knutsford 04:14.60 12.71% (00:37.06) 148
46 Finlay Ibeziako 10 Wilmslow 04:18.25 -7.16% (00:17.25) 101
47 Chloe Lawson 11 Satellite 04:20.88 8.46% (00:24.12) 137
48 Lilly Royle 8 Satellite 04:38.51 0.00% (00:00.00) 113
49 Rose Kettle 10 Satellite 04:39.73 0.00% (00:00.00) 111
50 Ethan Griffin 11 Satellite 04:42.96 0.00% (00:00.00) 77
James Petty 16 Knutsford Did not compete
Brooke Yon 14 Satellite Did not compete
Rory Noden 14 Satellite Disqualified