
Satellites, Knutsford and Wilmslow Tri Club Champs 2019

Mixed 8 Yrs/Over 100m Backstroke

Age Group Results

These are the final results for this event.

Position Name Age Club Time Improvement AQUA
1 Mason Grady 9 Satellite 01:46.93 -1.84% (00:01.93) 96
2 Lilly Royle 8 Satellite 02:00.13 0.00% (00:00.00) 96
Position Name Age Club Time Improvement AQUA
1 Eloise Perritt 10 Knutsford 01:25.18 2.06% (00:01.79) 270
2 Kelly-shay O'neill 10 Satellite 01:27.74 6.94% (00:06.54) 247
3 Sophie Symes 10 Knutsford 01:33.61 -3.39% (00:03.07) 203
4 Fox Allman 10 Satellite 01:44.02 0.00% (00:00.00) 104
5 Zack Cocksedge 10 Knutsford
-1.38% (00:01.44) 100
6 Patrick Harriman 10 Satellite 01:56.21 0.12% (00:00.14) 75
7 Samuel Jones 10 Satellite 01:56.41 0.00% (00:00.00) 74
8 Rose Kettle 10 Satellite 02:11.19 0.00% (00:00.00) 74
Position Name Age Club Time Improvement AQUA
1 Jack Harmer 11 Satellite 01:24.72 2.22% (00:01.92) 192
2 Edward Jones 11 Knutsford 01:28.73 1.36% (00:01.22) 167
3 Abigail Moore 11 Knutsford 01:32.29 2.85% (00:02.71) 212
4 Zara Comb 11 Satellite 01:34.44 -2.82% (00:02.59) 198
5 Georgia Smalley 11 Satellite 01:37.81 3.89% (00:03.96) 178
6 Arthur Buckley 11 Knutsford 01:39.21 2.65% (00:02.70) 120
7 Charlie Heather 11 Knutsford 01:42.32 -2.32% (00:02.32) 109
8 Matilda Warren 11 Knutsford 01:59.41 -10.66% (00:11.50) 98
9 Joseph Eyre 11 Wilmslow 02:14.15 0.00% (00:00.00) 48
Position Name Age Club Time Improvement AQUA
1 Emily Fozard 12 Knutsford 01:20.81 1.67% (00:01.37) 316
2 George Denham-everett 12 Satellite 01:34.21 -1.40% (00:01.30) 140
3 Oliver Rogerson 12 Satellite 01:35.66 0.13% (00:00.12) 134
4 Camilla Lloyd-jones 12 Satellite
-2.76% (00:02.62) 180
5 Grace Higginson 12 Wilmslow 02:33.77 0.00% (00:00.00) 46
Freya Carnell 12 Satellite Disqualified
Position Name Age Club Time Improvement AQUA
1 James Dale 13 Wilmslow
0.00% (00:00.00) 216
2 Jake Purdie 13 Satellite 01:22.86 -2.56% (00:02.07) 206
3 Samantha Morrison 13 Knutsford 01:27.77 8.57% (00:08.23) 246
4 Rebecca Dilworth 13 Satellite 01:36.81 -0.84% (00:00.81) 184
Position Name Age Club Time Improvement AQUA
1 Samuel Prince 14 Satellite 01:12.15 -4.72% (00:03.25) 311
2 Amy Smith 14 Satellite
0.95% (00:00.74) 368
3 James Parker 14 Satellite 01:20.29 3.79% (00:03.16) 226
4 Ethan Marshall 14 Satellite 01:21.37 7.53% (00:06.63) 217
5 Jemima Quinn 14 Satellite 01:23.80 0.00% (00:00.00) 283
6 Molly Gilkison 14 Satellite 01:27.28 -3.89% (00:03.27) 251
7 William Simms 14 Knutsford 01:29.46 0.60% (00:00.54) 163
8 Beatrice Palmer 14 Satellite
-5.45% (00:04.76) 213
Position Name Age Club Time Improvement AQUA
1 William Martindale 15 Satellite 01:09.49 1.42% (00:01.00) 348
2 Thomas Denham-everett 15 Satellite 01:17.99 -2.27% (00:01.73) 246
3 Magnus Ponton 15 Wilmslow 01:30.22 0.00% (00:00.00) 159
Open (16/Over)
Position Name Age Club Time Improvement AQUA
1 Benjamin Mitchell 18 Knutsford 01:04.06 2.20% (00:01.44) 445
2 James Petty 16 Knutsford 01:12.03 -0.59% (00:00.42) 313
3 Arlan Coll 19 Satellite 01:15.56 -2.58% (00:01.90) 271
4 Miya Grady 16 Satellite 01:28.77 -5.42% (00:04.56) 238

Combined Results

Position Name Age Club Time Improvement AQUA
1 Benjamin Mitchell 18 Knutsford 01:04.06 2.20% (00:01.44) 445
2 William Martindale 15 Satellite 01:09.49 1.42% (00:01.00) 348
3 James Petty 16 Knutsford 01:12.03 -0.59% (00:00.42) 313
4 Samuel Prince 14 Satellite 01:12.15 -4.72% (00:03.25) 311
5 Arlan Coll 19 Satellite 01:15.56 -2.58% (00:01.90) 271
6 Amy Smith 14 Satellite
0.95% (00:00.74) 368
7 Thomas Denham-everett 15 Satellite 01:17.99 -2.27% (00:01.73) 246
8 James Parker 14 Satellite 01:20.29 3.79% (00:03.16) 226
9 Emily Fozard 12 Knutsford 01:20.81 1.67% (00:01.37) 316
10 Ethan Marshall 14 Satellite 01:21.37 7.53% (00:06.63) 217
11 James Dale 13 Wilmslow
0.00% (00:00.00) 216
12 Jake Purdie 13 Satellite 01:22.86 -2.56% (00:02.07) 206
13 Jemima Quinn 14 Satellite 01:23.80 0.00% (00:00.00) 283
14 Jack Harmer 11 Satellite 01:24.72 2.22% (00:01.92) 192
15 Eloise Perritt 10 Knutsford 01:25.18 2.06% (00:01.79) 270
16 Molly Gilkison 14 Satellite 01:27.28 -3.89% (00:03.27) 251
17 Kelly-shay O'neill 10 Satellite 01:27.74 6.94% (00:06.54) 247
18 Samantha Morrison 13 Knutsford 01:27.77 8.57% (00:08.23) 246
19 Edward Jones 11 Knutsford 01:28.73 1.36% (00:01.22) 167
20 Miya Grady 16 Satellite 01:28.77 -5.42% (00:04.56) 238
21 William Simms 14 Knutsford 01:29.46 0.60% (00:00.54) 163
22 Magnus Ponton 15 Wilmslow 01:30.22 0.00% (00:00.00) 159
23 Beatrice Palmer 14 Satellite
-5.45% (00:04.76) 213
24 Abigail Moore 11 Knutsford 01:32.29 2.85% (00:02.71) 212
25 Sophie Symes 10 Knutsford 01:33.61 -3.39% (00:03.07) 203
26 George Denham-everett 12 Satellite 01:34.21 -1.40% (00:01.30) 140
27 Zara Comb 11 Satellite 01:34.44 -2.82% (00:02.59) 198
28 Oliver Rogerson 12 Satellite 01:35.66 0.13% (00:00.12) 134
29 Rebecca Dilworth 13 Satellite 01:36.81 -0.84% (00:00.81) 184
30 Camilla Lloyd-jones 12 Satellite
-2.76% (00:02.62) 180
31 Georgia Smalley 11 Satellite 01:37.81 3.89% (00:03.96) 178
32 Arthur Buckley 11 Knutsford 01:39.21 2.65% (00:02.70) 120
33 Charlie Heather 11 Knutsford 01:42.32 -2.32% (00:02.32) 109
34 Fox Allman 10 Satellite 01:44.02 0.00% (00:00.00) 104
35 Zack Cocksedge 10 Knutsford
-1.38% (00:01.44) 100
36 Mason Grady 9 Satellite 01:46.93 -1.84% (00:01.93) 96
37 Patrick Harriman 10 Satellite 01:56.21 0.12% (00:00.14) 75
38 Samuel Jones 10 Satellite 01:56.41 0.00% (00:00.00) 74
39 Matilda Warren 11 Knutsford 01:59.41 -10.66% (00:11.50) 98
40 Lilly Royle 8 Satellite 02:00.13 0.00% (00:00.00) 96
41 Rose Kettle 10 Satellite 02:11.19 0.00% (00:00.00) 74
42 Joseph Eyre 11 Wilmslow 02:14.15 0.00% (00:00.00) 48
43 Grace Higginson 12 Wilmslow 02:33.77 0.00% (00:00.00) 46
Freya Carnell 12 Satellite Disqualified