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Tri Club Championships 2023
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Event | Swimmer | Club | Time |
Mixed 8 Yrs/Over 50m Backstroke | Aurita Sakirov | Wilmslow | 56.92 |
Mixed 8 Yrs/Over 50m Backstroke | Martha Rose Kirk | Satellite | 49.26 |
Mixed 8 Yrs/Over 50m Backstroke | Phoebe Mae Cunningham | Satellite | 51.99 |
Mixed 8 Yrs/Over 50m Backstroke | Oscar William Roberts | Satellite | 48.58 |
Mixed 8 Yrs/Over 50m Backstroke | Zach Pilkington | Wilmslow | 49.38 |
Mixed 8 Yrs/Over 50m Backstroke | Jack Moore | Wilmslow | 57.86 |
Mixed 8 Yrs/Over 50m Backstroke | Henry William West | Satellite | 47.14 |
Mixed 8 Yrs/Over 50m Backstroke | Sebastian Frederick Briscoe | Satellite | 45.00 |
Mixed 8 Yrs/Over 50m Backstroke | Emily Danby | Satellite | 40.43 |
Mixed 8 Yrs/Over 50m Backstroke | Thea Grady | Satellite | 46.40 |
Mixed 8 Yrs/Over 50m Backstroke | Freya Pilkington | Wilmslow | 43.93 |
Mixed 8 Yrs/Over 50m Backstroke | Jenson Christopher Roberts | Satellite | 44.90 |
Mixed 8 Yrs/Over 50m Backstroke | Isla May Yates | Satellite | 43.00 |
Mixed 8 Yrs/Over 50m Backstroke | Chloe Martha Bateson | Satellite | 40.52 |
Mixed 8 Yrs/Over 50m Backstroke | Alys Anne Lambert | Satellite | 42.36 |
Mixed 8 Yrs/Over 50m Backstroke | Harriet Georgia Byars | Wilmslow | 39.72 |
Mixed 8 Yrs/Over 50m Backstroke | Emilia Harrison | Satellite | 41.79 |
Mixed 8 Yrs/Over 50m Backstroke | Grace Elouise Johnson | Satellite | 43.13 |
Mixed 8 Yrs/Over 50m Backstroke | Edith Rose Bamber | Satellite | 41.62 |
Mixed 8 Yrs/Over 50m Backstroke | Mia Berge | Satellite | 37.76 |
Mixed 8 Yrs/Over 50m Backstroke | Daisy Matilda Kirk | Satellite | 37.85 |
Mixed 8 Yrs/Over 50m Backstroke | William Birchall | Satellite | 37.41 |
Mixed 8 Yrs/Over 50m Backstroke | Georgia Smalley | Satellite | 36.69 |
Mixed 8 Yrs/Over 50m Backstroke | Harriet Elizabeth Ireland | Satellite | 37.15 |
Mixed 8 Yrs/Over 50m Backstroke | Sally Knight | Satellite | 38.01 |
Mixed 8 Yrs/Over 50m Backstroke | Freya Carnell | Satellite | 38.79 |
Mixed 8 Yrs/Over 50m Backstroke | Ewan William Fildes | Wilmslow | 35.95 |
Mixed 8 Yrs/Over 50m Backstroke | Ethan Griffin | Satellite | 34.74 |
Mixed 8 Yrs/Over 50m Backstroke | Harry Moore | Wilmslow | 32.50 |
Mixed 8 Yrs/Over 50m Backstroke | Anna Fenwick | Satellite | 32.41 |